How much is Voice Actor and Writer Charles Michel’s net worth, also know his Career Highlights
Charles Michel, America’s #1 Voice Over Coach is also a writer who has changed the lives of many people by telling his and other people’s stories in an extraordinary and emotional way.
Although there are no statistics on Charles’s net worth, we know what his partner, Eric Millegan net worth is. So we can take a guess that both of their net worth combined together must be more than $750 thousand.
Charles Michel Versatile Career
In addition to being an author, he is also an actor, character voice performer, announcer, and singer. Besides being a voice-over actor himself, Charles Michel is also a director of a company, the Voice Bank, and the Winning Voice according to his Linkedin account.
The company runs hundreds of voice-driven projects and as a director, he has written, produced and directed several projects.

He probably receives a decent amount of paycheck from the company adding to his net worth.
Excluding his sound career, Charles is married to his longtime boyfriend since 2012, Eric Millegan, who is a successful actor. The sexy actor is popularly known to his fans as Dr. Zack Addy from the Fox series, Bones.
Also read: Know Actor Eric Millegan’s Net worth, inclusive of Salary & Career

Charles even made a joke about his partner’s good look on Twitter,
I keep aging for the both of us. After nearly 19 years, he still makes me look like I’m robbing the cradle.
Eric Millegan has appeared in a total of 64 episodes of Bones which probably might earn him a good sum of money, considering that lead roles earn $250,000 per episode.

Apart from being an actor, the 43-year-old actor is also a writer like his husband, a sports columnist to be exact, host and singer. His album is being released early next year. Even though Charles might have earned more or less but his husband definitely earns a huge amount.

But that does not mean Charles makes less money. He has written books inspired by his husband. For Your Information, Eric suffers from Bipolar Disorder. Despite that, Eric has been able to manage a successful career.

Michel, on the other hand, has spent 25 years providing training for beginner voice-over performers and has developed techniques and fundamentals that help amateurs improvise like pros.
The 63-year-old professional additionally gives training online through his virtual studio. Charles shared his experience,
I have come to realize that there are basic fundamental techniques that even the most seasoned voice over pros tend to miss. The good news is that once you discover these fundamentals yourself, I am convinced that you can use them immediately to dramatically improve your chances of success.
Not only voiceover performers, but Charles also has given presentations and training to businessman and others who want to improvise their voice. In fact, he even coached participants on Donald Trump‘s “The Apprentice.“
So given his blooming versatile careers, Charles Michel is definitely entitled to a respectable amount of net worth.